

The Chosen is a historical drama based on the life of Jesus and those who knew him. Set against the backdrop of Jewish oppression in first-century Israel, the series shares an authentic look at Jesus' revolutionary life and teachings.


南征北战1952 | 机器战警2014 | 碧血剑粤语 | 泰剧出逃的公主国语版 | 恶魔的请柬 | 饥饿游戏3 | 隐入尘烟 电影 | 人间中毒完正视频 | 不良少年与白手杖女孩 | 拍摄指南 | 狄仁杰之通天玄案 | 老师好在线全集免费观看 | 大地影院综艺资源 | 李卫当官 | 乾隆王朝 | 婉婉如梦霄电视剧免费 | 寻梦环游记 | 阿麦从军 | 三进山城 | 阿麦从军 | 欢天喜地七仙女 | 原来新神马电影手机版 | 别对我撒谎第一季 | 蜗居 | 午夜场

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